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Saturday, May 30, 2015



NRG – Energy Booster.

NRG is pure energy that works with your body naturally.  NRG uses a gland in your brain that naturally raises the levels brain and starts using the natural energy in your body.  1 NRG Capsule taken  on an empty stomach at the start of your day will provide you with 12 hours of energy and you will sleep like a baby when you lay down to sleep.  NRG is energy so pure that you will not experience the shakes in your hands or heart like you find with Red Bull and other energy drinks.
Don’t take more than 1 Capsule a day unless you are an athlete or are actively moving all day or do physical work

For Athletes, Actively Moving People and Those Who Do Physical Work it’s recommended that you take 2 Capsules a day.  If you are not active and you are taking 2 Capsules or more a day you will need to do some type of exercise or run to purge your body of all the the extra energy in your body.

If you have extremely High Blood pressure should not be using NRG because it naturally makes the more energy which causes the blood to flow faster.  It recommended that you start with IASO Tea and IASO Gano for 7 – 14 Days prior to starting NRG in order to regulate your blood pressure.  Once the blood pressure is level then the NRG can be used.

Most effective fat burner for women known as Iaso NRG

Are you looking for the best fat burner for women? Look no further. We are promoting the most effective fat burner for women known as Iaso NRG. Our company has been in the fore front in the manufacture of natural health supplements that work. Iaso NRG weight loss and energy supplement is the latest addition to the wide range of products manufactured by Total Life Changes. Iaso NRG is a potent energy and fat burner that you can use on a daily basis to burn your fats without any feeling of jittery.
Iaso NRG works by increasing your body metabolic rate to burn more fats. This product also works by suppressing your appetite, so you will eat less without feeling hungry. This product will also help you focus better, stay alert and have improved concentration. We say that Iaso NRG is best fat burner for women, because this product is designed with proven ingredients like leucine, green tea extracts, CLA, thyroid stimulators and thermogenic ingredients. These ingredients are superbly designed to prevent your body from storing fats and calories from foods that you consume.
Benefits of Iaso NRG
Our product is formulated to offer multiple benefits that include mental stimulation and focus, metabolic and thermogenesis stimulation, increased energy output, enhanced fat mobilization, appetite suppression and fat storage negation
Is there Any Precautions?
Iaso NRG is the only fat burner for women in the market today without side effects. But still, this doesn’t mean there are no precautions to take.  You have to follow dosage requirements keenly. Always observe general common sense by not exceeding the recommended dosage and observing signs of tolerance. There are few potentially potent stimulants in this formula. The amount of caffeine in this formula does not bring the feelings of anxiety or jittery.
Is it Worth the Money?

Any formula that contains a list of natural ingredients, always tastes great without causing any harmful side effects is worth your money. Iaso NRG fat burner for women falls under this category. If you are in the market looking for the best fat burner for women, Iaso NRG is the perfect product for you. I doubt you won’t be disappointed with this weight loss supplement. What’s more, being able to try out our fat burner pills for women means you aren’t going to be wooed into buying a supply of products that you aren’t sure of.

All about Iaso EMU Oil




Research shows that Emu oil has been used for thousands of years as a natural medicine by the natives of Australia. Iaso Oil is used to relieve arthritis pain, to heal wounds, burns, sunburn, and to reduce itching and swelling of insect bites.

Scientific studies have revealed that Emu oil has healing properties in many different ways and can be used internally and externally for the benefit of our healthand wellbeing.


Iaso Oil has been shown to reduce the depth and length of fine lines and wrinkles in several studies and serves as a moisturizer and a natural skin softener. Iaso Oil has shown that it is faster, and the oil penetrating into the skin and cutaneous-conveyor, than other therapeutic ingredients added or skin care.

Iaso Oil is smooth for all skin types, non-toxic and natural, non-comedogenic (does not clog pores) and hypoallergenic (no irritation) making it ideal for people with sensitive skin and allergies. Iaso Oil is effective in their anti-inflammatory properties, and has been found to give an effect similar to prescription medications. It has been compared with drugs such as ibuprofen, only without the negative side effects often common with traditional prescription or corticosteroid based drugs anti-inflammatory.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Iaso Tea

Successful Detoxification
for Parasites and Worms

Intestinal Cleansing

Powerful, Safe,
Effective and Gentle

Cleansing the Digestive Tract
- Colon Cleansing, parasites, worms,
- Blood Cleansing
- Beneficial for the liver, kidneys, lungs,   gall bladder
- Indigestion, gastro-intestinal distress

Please visit the shopping cart to order

Iaso tea is a very good option for improving colon health, which benefically affects the entire body, especialy the health of your digestive system. 
Many who have constipation, bloating, indigestion, liver, kidney, lung issues, acid reflux symptoms, candida and gastro-intestinal ditresss often see improvement within the first few days. Everyone gets parasites at some point in their life, which often goes unnoticed, as they can live anywhere in the body, including the blood. Worms multiply in the intestines and then spread to the lungs, brain and other organs affecting our overall health – see the video below.
Iaso tea is a specific blend of herbs, initially used by most people as a successful colon cleanser.


Iaso Tea


Iaso Tea ingredients are a special blend of safe, natural, edible herbs: Holy Thistle, Persimmon leaves, Malva leaves, Marsh Mallow leaves, Blessed Thistle, Papaya, Ginger, Chamomile, and Myrrh.

It is the special blend allows the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use. All the enzymes that used to be in our food to give us colon health have been destroyed with modern processing of foods and pasteurization of dairy products. Now we can get back to enjoying perfect colon health!

Dr. Miller has been working on his safe and effective colon-cleansing Iaso Tea product for 20 years, perfecting it for consumption by persons of every age and weight.

Persimmon Leaves

Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) originated in China and has been grown for over 1000 years in Japan, which is the leading producer today. A similar variety of the Persimmon fruit (Diospyros virginiana) grows in the Eastern USA and is called Pawdad. The tannins and flavonoids in Persimmon leaves have anti-hypertensive, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-mutagenic properties. The leaf also acts as a mild laxative, is antihemorrhagic (stops bleeding), is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids, and strengthens weak blood vessels such as spider veins or varicose veins. Persimmon leaf extract and its major flavonoid constituent, astragalin, when taken orally, acts as a natural antihistamine which inhibits the release of histamine and thus helps reduce allergic reactions. It relieves the symptoms of dermatitis, with less inflammation and thickening of the skin, and less water loss which can lead to dry skin. It may also act as a dermatitis preventive. An allergy preventive food or an itching preventive food which contains Persimmon leaves, or an extract of Persimmon leaf, or a cosmetic composition containing Persimmon leaf extract, has the action of improving rough skin conditions due to allergies, or alleviating itching. The astringent raw Persimmon fruit is used for constipation relief, gastro-intestinal irritation, dysentery, chronic diarrhea, ulceration of the bowel and stomach, catarrh of the rectum and colon, hemorrhoids, and to stop bleeding. Studies have shown that compounds in Persimmon leaves bind to excess fat and help remove fat from the body. Deal with Allergies and Hay Fever the natural way. No need for Antihistamines and their negative side-effects.

Holy Thistle
Holy Thistle (Silybum marianum) supports the liver in the release of toxins. Holy thistle has been used medicinally for over 2000 years, most commonly for the treatment of liver disorders such as jaundice, and gallbladder disorders; but also for lactation problems, disorders of the spleen, psoriasis, and mushroom poisoning. It has recently been used by HIV-positive patients to protect the liver from diseases such as hepatitis and damage from the drugs taken for HIV or AIDS. A flavanoid in the fruit called Silymarin (with its most active beneficial component called Silibinin or Silybin) is a powerful antioxidant, and may also protect the cells of the liver by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and helping remove these toxins from the liver cells. Silymarin has also been shown to regenerate injured liver cells. It stimulates liver and gallbladder activity and may have a temporary mild laxative effect in some people. Holy Thistle products are popular in Europe and the United States for various types of liver disease, being able to counteract the harmful actions of alcohol on the liver (cirrhosis), and helping the liver return to a healthy state when an alcoholic stops drinking. Some clinical trials indicate that it may improve quality of life and even increase life expectancy in patients with cirrhosis of the liver. Holy Thistle is believed to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood, and is such a good blood purifier that drinking a cup of Holy Thistle tea twice a day can cure chronic headaches. It is also used for stomach and digestive problems, gas in the intestines, and constipation relief. It is very effective for dropsy, strengthens the heart, and is good for the liver, lungs, and kidneys. It was claimed that warm Holy Thistle tea given to mothers will produce a good supply of milk, which led to this thistle being called by another name: Milk Thistle. Holy Thistle is also said to be good for girls entering womanhood, as a good tonic. The leaves and stems are eaten as a salad green in Europe.

Malva Leaves
The Malva or Chinese Mallow plant (Malva verticillata) is a member of the Malvaceae family which also includes the Marsh Mallow and the Hibiscus. The leaves have a mild and very pleasant flavor. Malva has been cultivated in China for over 2,500 years, and is now cultivated in some countries of Europe as a tasty salad green. Malva seed contains mucilage, polysaccharides and flavonoids. In traditional medicine, the Malva leaf was often made into a tea to sooth the membranes of the digestive system. It is demulcent (the mucilage soothes and softens irritated tissues, especially the mucus membranes), mild diuretic, emollient (softens the skin), galactogogue (increases milk flow in nursing mothers), and a mild laxative (a gentle stimulant of the bowels). Malva Leaf teas are used in the treatment of renal disorders, the retention of fluids, frequent thirst, and diarrhea. Malva Leaf has been used to treat stomach ache, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel, and conditions of the spleen. The Chinese use Malva Leaf as an expectorant and as a demulcent gargle to soothe a sore throat. It can also soothe a bronchial irritation in persons with bronchitis or emphysema. (Beware of Chinese Mallow teas which also contain Senna, also known as Cassia angustifolia or Cassia acutifolia or Cassia Senna or Indian Senna or Egyptian Senna. Cassia is a strong and harsh laxative that works by irritating the intestines. It should only be taken occasionally and for no longer than 7 days because it can create bowel dependency, stomach cramps and headaches. The safe Chinese Mallow leaf is added to soothe its irritating effects. Dr. Miller's Holy Tea does NOT contain Senna.)

Marsh Mallow
The Marsh Mallow or Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) was used by the ancient Greeks to remedy bruises and bleeding, and as a mild laxative. It was used in medieval Europe for indigestion and diarrhea. The Marsh Mallow root or leaf was traditionally used to soothe and support the intestines. It is rich in calcium, zinc, iron, sodium, iodine, vitamin B complex, and pantothenic acid. Herbs high in mucilage, such as Marsh Mallow and Malva Leaf (of the same family), are often helpful for symptomatic relief of coughs and irritated throats. Mallow has expectorant and demulcent properties, which accounts for this herb's historical use as a remedy for the respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion. Marsh Mallow root and, to a lesser extent, Marsh Mallow leaf both contain significant percentages of mucilage, a natural gummy substance that does not dissolve in water. Like other mucilage-containing substances, Marsh Mallow swells up and becomes slick when it is exposed to fluids. The resulting slippery material coats the linings of the mouth, throat, and stomach to relieve irritation and control coughing associated with respiratory conditions such as smoker's cough. For example, Marsh Mallow has been used to treat sore throats and to alleviate heartburn, and was originally used to make a candy-like medicinal lozenge. Marsh Mallow may also have mild anti-infective, immune-boosting, and diuretic properties. In the British Herbal Compendium the use of Marsh Mallow is listed for gastroenteritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers, colitis, and enteritis. Topically, Marsh Mallow is used to soothe and soften irritated skin, and as a remedy for cuts, wounds, abscesses, boils, burns, and varicose veins. The edible leaves are used as salad greens in France.

Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus or Carduus benedictus) has been used in traditional medicine as far back as the early sixteenth century as an appetite stimulant, astringent, blood purifier, choleretic (bile flow stimulant), diaphoretic (sweat stimulant), digestion enhancement, diuretic (increasing urine), expectorant, fever reducer, memory improver, menstrual flow stimulant, and salivation stimulant. It was cultivated in monastery gardens as a cure for smallpox and is named in honor of St. Benedict, the founder of a holy order of monks. It is still used as a flavoring in their Benedictine liqueur. Blessed Thistle has been used for smallpox, malaria, fever, anorexia, dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and flatulence. More recently it has shown to be useful for indigestion, heartburn, and poor appetite. Blessed Thistle helps increase appetite in people with digestion or eating disorders such as anorexia (but does not increase the appetite of normal people). In herbal medicine, Blessed Thistle is used for cancer, infections, inflammation, gallbladder disease, jaundice, liver disorders, cervical dysplasia, heart ailments, skin ulcers, yeast infections, and diarrhea.


Papaya is recommended to be one such pick from the group of Yellow and orange fruits, which promises abundant health benefits. It is a melon like fruit with yellow- orange flesh with dozens of small black seeds enclosed in skin that ranges in color from green to orange. Papaya has high nutritional benefits. It is rich in Anti-oxidants, the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium and magnesium; and fiber. Together, "these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and also provide protection against colon cancer." In addition, papaya contains the digestive enzyme, papain, which is used like bromelain, a similar enzyme found in pineapple, to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies. Vitamin C and vitamin A, which is made in the body from the beta-carotene in papaya, are both needed for the proper function of a healthy immune system. Papaya may therefore be a healthy fruit choice for preventing such illnesses as recurrent ear infections, colds and flu.


For over two thousand years Chinese Medicine has recommended ginger to treat a number of health problems including abdominal bloating, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and rheumatism. Ginger is also used in the Ayurvedic and Tibetan systems of medicine for the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and a variety of other conditions.
Proposed Medical Benefits of Ginger
Although officially recognized as a remedy for appetite loss, indigestion and motion sickness, ginger root has a proven ability to combat all forms of nausea and vomiting. It has also been taken to loosen phlegm, relieve gas, and tighten the tissues, although its effectiveness for these purposes hasn't been proven. Comparisons between ginger and prescription or non-prescription drugs for motion sickness relief have been conducted, but results were inconclusive. However, in some of these studies, similar effectiveness was seen between ginger and drugs.
Ginger may also ease sore throats, headaches, ulcerative colitis, some types of menstrual and arthritis pain, and fevers and aches caused by colds and flu.


Chamomile has been used to treat a wide range of conditions and diseases when used internally or externally. This bittersweet herb acts medicinally as a tonic, anodyne, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergenic, and sedative. Chamomile tea can be used to treat digestive disturbances, gastrointestinal spasms, inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, and to treat coughs and colds, fevers and bronchitis. Chamomile contains bitter constituents that stimulate appetite and digestive secretions that help reduce flatulence. Chamomile's mildly sedating and muscle-relaxing effects can help those who suffer from insomnia to fall asleep more easily. Chamomile is best known as a muscle relaxant and antispasmodic. Chamomile helps to relieve nausea, heartburn, and stress-related flatulence. It may also be useful in the treatment of diverticular disorders and inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease.


Myrrh is a hardy shrub that grows in desert regions, particularly in northeastern Africa and the Middle East and in regions around Arabia. The resin obtained from the stems is used in medicinal preparations. Today Myrrh is used in some mouth washes and sore throat medicines. Although it has had a number of reported medicinal uses throughout recorded history, myrrh is now found most often in mouthwashes to soothe mouth and throat irritations. In addition to relieving inflammation, using myrrh as a mouthwash also is thought to improve bad breath. As a mouth rinse, myrrh is approved for treating mouth inflammation by the German Commission E, the German governmental agency that evaluates the safety and effectiveness of herbal products. Undiluted myrrh tincture can also be applied directly to sores inside the mouth. Occasionally, diluted myrrh tincture is used as a wash for hemorrhoids or as a douche to relieve vaginal irritation.

* WARNING: This product contains cathartic herbs. Pregnant and nursing women, the elderly, children, and individuals suffering from any illness or health condition should consult with a physician prior to using this or any herbal supplement. Doctor Miller’s Iaso Tea is not a drug, nor intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. You should consult with your physician before starting this or any other cleansing exercise or weight management program.

As the colon and small intestines, are cleansed, the ability of the small intestine to absorb nutrients starts improving. At the same time you are reducing the burden on the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, lungs etc.
I took supplements and ate organic food for many, many years, without feeling any better. Once I understood why nothing was working, I began an intensive detoxification program, cleansing parasites, candida, cancer cells, unfriendly bacteria, heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins as quickly as I could. I would have spent thousands of dollars less if the Iaso tea and the Red Desert® clay had been available. However, I learned a tremendous amount on my journey, so nothing was lost in the process.
As I removed the toxins from my body over the months, I began to respond positively since the nutrients from food and supplements were now able to reach my cells and begin re-nourishing my body.
The Iaso tea does not detox everything from the body. No one product will. When you read that Iaso tea is a whole body detoxifier, this means it has a positive effect on the entire body, not that it will remove every kind of toxin...HOWEVER... Parasistes travel throughout the entire body and live in many different organs including the blood, causing numerous unexplainable symptoms. You may find it quite helpful to add the Iaso tea to your regime for a month or so - some take it every day.
The Iaso tea is beneficial for REDUCING the BURDEN on the digestive and other body systems, and can be used in conjunction with other detoxification products.
Once you can clean out toxins, candida, worms and the like, the cells can now better receive nutrients, organ function can improve, cholesterol and blood pressure can be better maintained AND you can feel better.

How long to use this tea is a personal decision. Some drink the Iaso Tea every day for maintenance. Considering that worms and parasites leave behind eggs which take up to 3 weeks to hatch - a months supply might be a good place to start.

Three to Four Week Supply ~ I do drink the tea when I return from traveling and receive a monthly supply.

 or contact Sharon @ 443-219-8737 for less than 4 week supply.

Directions for Preparing Iaso Tea>>

Iaso Tea

How to Make the Iaso Tea

Each packet contains two IASO tea bags,
which will make a gallon of tea.

Step 1

Bring 32 oz or 4 cups of water to a full boil. Remove from heat. Place 2 two tea bags in water and cover.

Step 2

After the IASO tea has steeped for 4 to 8 hours take out the tea bags. Pour the tea into a one gallon container “Glass if you can find one.” Add additional water to make the 1 gallon.

That's it!
Your Tea is ready to DRINK!
Keep in the tea in the refrigerator

Never microwave the tea.
(never use your microwave anyway – more info>>)

You can use the leftover tea in the tea bags on your salad, shakes or any dish that you prepare.

How much to Drink:
The usual dosage is two 8 oz glasses of Iaso tea per day.
(8oz with Lunch & Dinner then maybe 4 ounces with a snack) 

You can drink more or less anytime during the day.

~ Please Note ~

Side Effects from Drinking Iaso Tea
Everyone is unique, meaning many people detox with ease drinking the IASO tea every day. When detoxifying the body, you may experience symptoms as the body cleanses. Some people feel wonderful immediately, others need to take it more slowly and use the bathroom frequently the first day.

You could experience diarrhea, gas/bloating, foul smelling stools, dark stools, headaches, weight loss and the list goes on.  This is not unusual for a natural product reaction on the body, especially detox, since a detox's first job is cleansing and restoration to a natural healthy state.

Use your intuition, and decide if you want to drink more or less Iaso tea. The tea is gentle, yet if you are super sensitive, consider drinking the tea starting on your day off from work, so you can honor the body and rest if needed. The greatest effect will be with consistency over time.
You are on the road to reclaiming a healthy colon and digestive system. If you are taking medications, birth control pills or any other prescriptions, speak with your pharmacist about taking medications 2 hours before or after consuming the Iaso tea.
Other Toxins
If you have heavy metal poisoning, i.e. mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium or chemical, pesticide, herbicide, depleted uranium etc., it would be important to add other products to your regime.

Remember detoxification is the first step. As the body is cleansed, this eases up on the kidneys, liver, gall bladder and other digestive organs. The nutrients from food and supplements can now be better absorbed and assimilated. For more information about removing toxins read:
Detox Toxins
Blessings to you as you manifest abundant health.!

IASO Luna Skin Care

IASO LUNA Ingredients and What It Does For You!

IASO LUNA ~ Important Facts About IASO LUNA ~~Did You Know?

Total Life Changes entered the cosmetic industry several years ago after careful research and product selection through testing with human trials (not animals!). Iaso™ Skin care now offers a full-line of professional strength products that provide solutions to meet your individual skin care needs. Iaso™ Skin Care products are designed for a multitude of problematic skin. From people that struggle with mild acne breakouts, cystic acne/acne scarring as well as anti-aging skin care. Iaso™ Skin Care now offers products that target age spots, fine lines and wrinkles.

Total Life Changes entered the cosmetic industry several years ago after careful research and product selection through testing with human trials (not animals!). Iaso™ Skin care now offers a full-line of professional strength products that provide solutions to meet your individual skin care needs. Iaso™ Skin Care products are designed for a multitude of problematic skin. From people that struggle with mild acne breakouts, cystic acne/acne scarring as well as anti-aging skin care. Iaso™ Skin Care now offers products that target age spots, fine lines and wrinkles.
Total Life Changes… find out how we are Changing the Science of Aging.

Iaso Luna Prevent Aging SkinIASO™ LUNA

By utilizing the revolutionary Malus Domestica Apple Stem Cell Culture and other natural sources, Iaso™ Luna works to nourish your skin while you sleep. It also addresses visible signs of premature aging caused by sun and environmental exposure while providing antioxidant benefits. Iaso™ Luna is 95% PURE and is suitable for all skin types.


A Natural Anti-Wrinkle Agent.  Increases the activity of the fibroblasts in the tissues so the fibroblasts produce more collagen and elastin fibers which reduces wrinkling.

Contains a high amount of Linoleic acid, which is a fatty acid essential for the health of the skin and cell membranes.

Antioxidants can help slow the process of aging, as well as having anti-inflammatory properties.

SQUALANE (Olive based/NOT Shark Liver)
Squalane is required for our skin to keep it moisturized and fight aging. It is also a unique antioxidant from olives that protects our skin from free-radical damages.
•Conditions and moisturizes our skin.
•Restores the skin suppleness and flexibility.
•Enhances skin elasticity and moisture retention.
•Reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
•Relief to dehydrated and ultra-sensitive skin.
•Softens the most rough-textured irritated skin and leaves no oily residue.
•Boost new cell growth.

Excellent storability without shriveling. Rich in phytonutrients, proteins and LONG-LIVING cells. • Increases the Vitality of skin stem cells.
•Protects and Repair human stem cells.
•Combats chronological aging.
•Facial rejuvenation.
•*Crows Feet Study – Results showed a significant and visible decrease in wrinkle depth in 100% of the subjects after 28 days.
•Malus Domestica extract helps the Epidermal stem cells to Retain their capacity to build NEW tissues.
•Chondrus Crispus/Algae Extract AKA Hawaiian Sea Extract.
•Minerals & Amino Acids that provide proper environment for development of Firmer, Healthier looking skin.
•Increase moisture.

Skin looks and feels firmer, softer and well-toned.
•Natural Antioxidant.
•Protects skins Lipids.
•Prevents Collagen degradation.

•Fresh hyaluronan and stronger Collagen fibrils result in Visible Remodeling & Firmer Skin!
•Anti-Sagging treatment.
•Line Plumping.
•Needle-Free Hyaluronan Face Contour Remodeling.

•Quenching free radicals and Reducing Inflammation.
•Green tea promotes healthy, younger-looking skin when applied topically.
•Anti-inflammatory to Calm & Balance the skin.

The Reishi mushroom is used in traditional Chinese medicine to help reduce skin inflammation, puffiness and wrinkles. • Reishi mushroom contains ingredients that cause melanin suppression as well as other beneficial trace elements. These contents might help reduce the presence of and destruction caused by free radicals, as well as promote cell regeneration to increase skin thickness and texture.
Emollient from Macadamia nuts.

DELGADO Weightloss Coffee

IASO Coffees

Siberian CHAGA

Total Life Changes is the first MLM to release 100% pure wild Siberian Chaga extract. TLC’s release of this mighty new medicinal mushroom is gaining worldwide attention. But is it hands down the new King of Herbs? That’s for you to decide. What we can say is that both Iaso™ Chaga and Iaso™ Gano are two very powerful extracts that have scientists all over the globe excited about the tremendous results and healing powers of these medicinal mushrooms.
Round 1
Round 1

Who Is The King?  Chaga or Gano?

Iaso™ Siberian Chaga is the latest challenger of 100% pure TOXIN-FREE adaptogens. An extremely qualified competitor, first approved in 1955 by Moscow’s Medical Academy of Science as a cancer drug. It was later administered to athletes, astronauts and other Soviet elite to take on a daily basis to improve physical and mental work capacity.
Siberian Chaga is documented for successfully treating cancers of the stomach, lungs, breasts and cervix. Two studies in 1996 found it to have an inhibitory effect on both influenza and HIV. It stimulates the body’s natural immune functions (something that was first confirmed in 2002 and then again in 2005); which may also help explain the historical use of Siberian Chaga extract as an anti-inflammatory.
While the U.S. government restricts medical claims, here is what can be said: Chaga Extract has been used as an essential whole food supplement for many years by Russia’s long-lived peasants, as well as long-lived villagers of Japan and Korea. Now you too can experience the health benefits of wild Siberian Chaga, the plant responsible for the exceptional health and life expectancy of the Siberians ranging from 85-100 years.


• Ammonium Bromatum is a homeopathic remedy for chronic obesity and those who suffer from chronic laryngeal and pharyngeal catarrh and neuralgic headaches.

• Avena Saliva is derived from the common oat plant and has been used for medical purposes since the Middle Ages to ensure a vital nervous system.
It also acts as a mild sedative during nervous exhaustion and calms down those with performance anxiety. As a homeopathic treatment, Avena Saliva extract and tincture are used as tonics for the nervous system. It directly influences brain and nutritive function of the organism. increasing nerve force and improving the nutrition of the entire system.
In addition, it has been established that avena is also an excellent substance that facilitates the detoxification of the body and increases energy levels.

 • Calcarea Carbonic a is a natural mineral derived from oyster shells or carbonate of lime that provides dual benefits for people trying to losing weight even if they have less than optimum nutrition by (1) helping to control the appetite and cravings, and (2) calming the nerves.

When you are doing everything necessary to lose weight, keeping your appetite in check and nerves calm are sure to essential to help you reach your ideal weight.

 • Fucus Vesiculosus is a powerful, specific homeopathic remedy for obesity and non­toxic goiter that aids digestion and thyroid enlargement in obese subjects. Contains high concentrations of iodine, essential in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

• Graphites is a homeopathic medicine that is prepared using the powder of pure graphite, a carbon mineral. Graphites is traditionally used to treat skin conditions, but in recent years has become a popular option for those that suffer from metabolic imbalance. Graphites is often suggested to those that struggle with constant hunger pains during a diet, as well as for women that are struggling with their weight during menopause. This homeopathic medicine is also believed to help improve and maintain metabolism, especially in older women.

• lgantia Amara, which is also known as simply lgnatia, is a homeopathic remedy that is made from a tree that Is native to the Philippines, which is known as Strychnos lgnatia. lgnatia is traditionally used to help treat emotional distress, particularly in women. lgnatia Amara is a homeopathic remedy that is often suggested by homeopaths to people on a diet that struggle with anxiety or nervousness, which tends to lead to overeating. Those that will benefit from this remedy tend to constantly crave sweets, and sugary drinks.

 IASO RESOLUTION INGREDIENTS AND THEIR DEFINITIONS PDF Lycopodium Clavatum, which is also known as simply Lycopodium, is a homeopathic remedy that is made from an extract of clubmoss, that is in the Lycopodiaceae family. Lycopodium is traditionally suggested to patients that suffer from anxiety problems. Lycopodium Clavatum is often suggested by homeopaths to those that tend to have constant cravings for sweets. This remedy is believed to help improve metabolism, as well as help to control the cravings. Those that will benefit from this remedy tend to also crave salty foods, although these cravings are not nearly as frequent as the cravings for the sweet and sugary foods. Lycopodium works best for those that have cravings that tend to occur, worsen, when they become anxious.

 • Nux Vo mica is a remedy created from the seeds of the strychnine tree. Also known as poison nut or vomiting nut, this tree is an evergreen tree that is native to East India, Burma. Thailand, China. and Northern Australia. Nux Vomica is a basic digestive remedy that helps relieves nausea, sour burping, gas, bloating, indigestion, feelings of hunger even even when you are full. Nux Vomica is also often suggested to those that tend to diet for several days at a time, then suddenly binge on days worth of calories, all within a short period of time. Those that will benefit from this remedy often suffer from anxiety problems, or have a stressful lifestyle, which is believed to cause the sudden binging.

• Sulfuricum Acid um is a remedy indicated for people who tend to rush through their meal and even though they've had too much to eat they keep on eating. Those who benefit from Sulfuricum Acidum also love sweets. The homeopathic acids are also good for depression; and for deep pain and physical injury, like after a surgery.

 • Thyroidinum is a remedy categorized as "organotherapy" made from the thyroid gland of animals. Thyroidinum provides a general regulation of carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism through its influence over the organs of nutrition, growth, and development. Thyrodidium provides an effective relief for metabolic disorders, muscular weakness, and sugar cravings.

All about TLC (Total Life Changes) Products

Our Incredible Products Info

Incredible Products 

Iaso Tea, “Flag Ship Product” Detoxify - Is a Filter for Life! -Filters toxins, chemicals, harmones & pesticides which are inside the foods we consume.  -Eliminates parasites, intestinal sludge & other waste that causes illnesses in our body -Purifies your entire body! 

Iaso Nutra Burst – Complete Vitamin & Mineral Supplement, 100% Organic, 98% absorption into the blood stream, Loaded with Amino Acids, 72 Minerals, 12 Herbs, Antioxidants, 22 Fruits & Vegetables Phytonutrients, 13 Whole Food Greens, Multi-Fiber Complex, & Taste Great. 

Iaso Skin – Enhance your beauty with the best in skin care; Enriched with Ganoderma Lucidum, Swiss Apple Stem Cell, Grape Seed Extract, & Pomegranate. A complete skin care system.

Iaso Oil – 100% Pure Emu Oil; Studies have demonstrated the following benefits: Acne, Arthritis, Back Pain, Burns, Dandruff, Eczema, Gout, Gum Disease, Inflammation, Sunburns, Pet Injuries & much more. 

Iaso Café – Coffee made with 100% Pure Extract of Ganoderma Lucidum; Black, Mocha, Café Con Leche, & a Slimming coffee. You can get paid on your share of the 500 Million Cups of coffee consumed daily! 

Compression Garments – Get Your Sexy Back and experience the instant gratification of a flatter abdomen, a sexy figure, firming your thighs, lifting your buttocks, and the health benefits of your organs being in place and functioning properly with improved posture.  Garments for women and men.

Iaso Strike-Up for Men – Increased Desire, Potency, & Supports a Better Sex life. All natural, herbal blend; last for up to 72 hours; No secondary side effects.              “Safe, Effective, and Works Like Magic!”  quote from Dick Gregory 

Iaso LOVE for Women - Supports a Better Sex life. All natural, herbal blend; Last for up to 72 hours, No secondary side effects. 

Iaso HCG Drops – Lose 15 to 60 LBS in only One Month! 

Iaso NRG – A Natural Energy Supplement; 1 capsule “turns on” the energy & “turns-off” the appetite! 

Iaso Resolution Formula No. 20 weight loss drops, takes the cravings away.  These drops flush fats and toxins from your system and keeps food cravings away all day.  Preliminary tests have shown dramatic weight loss using a flexible 1200-Calorie Diet Plan. 




It is a liquid vitamin which has a 98% Cell Absorption Rate.  It contains 72 Minerals, 12 Herbs, 19 Amno Acids, 13 Whole Food Greens, 22 Fruits and Vegetables Phytonutrients, Many powerful fibers.  All the vitamins you need day supplied in 1 Tablespoon.  Nutraburst is the equivalent of eating 10 Salads.  This whole food, liquid formula packs a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals that your body needs that you are not getting unless you by hundred’s dollars worth in a store.  Improves your skin, promotes healthier nails and hair. You may not know daily what your body needs but  The Nutraburst does.  It lets your body choose what it needs vitamins, minerals, enzymes, greens and everything it dosen’t use is flushed away.  You will see great improvement.  Better than any other vitamin out there.

NUTRABURST Provides the Nutrition You Need The advantage of a liquid vitamin. Nutrients are most useful when they're completely absorbed into your bloodstream. Studies reveal that only 10-20% of the nutrients in pills or tablets are absorbed into the body compared to 98% of liquid formulas like NutraburstTM. This means that your body will absorb up to 98% more nutrients when taking NutraburstTM. Thanks to Nano-technology, one tablespoon daily will provide: • 72 Minerals • 12 Herbs • 19 Amino Acids • 22 Phytonutrients from Fruits and Vegetables • 13 Whole Food Greens • Antioxidants • Elagic Acid • Multi-fiber complex The Nutraburst Advantage This whole food, liquid formula packs a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals in a single tablespoon. Today more than ever, we need whole food nutrients to keep up with the lifestyles we lead. We often have little time, money, or ability to prepare nutrient rich meals. Just one tablespoon of Nutraburst each day makes it easy to meet your nutritional needs. We obtain better nutrition when the vitamin is from a natural source. This way, we avoid Hypervitaminosis. For something different, try mixing with your morning juice or smoothie and get everything your body craves.  Nutraburst can be taken by pregnant and nursing women.

Vitamin D (Cholecalcifecal 400 iu
Vitamin E (D-alpha tocapheral) 30 iu 1
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 1.5mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 1.7mg
Niacin (as Nianimide) 2 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) 5mg
Folate (Folic Acid) 400mg
Vitamin B 12 (Cyanoccobalamin) 18mcg
Biotin 300 mg
Panthothenic Acid (d Calcium PantothenateVitamin B5) 10mg
Selinium (l-seleomethioine) 70mg

Propreitary Fiber Blend
(Apple, Pectin, Beet, Carrot, Oat and Soy Fibers 4000mg
Elagic Acid (From Pomegrate Extract and Red Raseberry Extract 10 mg
Proprietary Blend 2000mg

Plant Derived Mineral Compounds*
A highly bioactive blend of up to 72 naturally occurring major and trace minerals adelements including Calcium, Magnesium, Chromium, Boron, Cobalt, Potassium, Manganese Molybedrum, Chloride Vanadium, Lithuim, Silver, Zinc, Copper, Phosphorus, Sulfer, Silicon, Nicke, Iron, Iodine and Tin Includes Fulvic Acid.

Proprietary Herbal Complex
Aloe Vera, Panax, Ginseng, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Corn Silk, Cranberry, Goldenrod, Grapeseed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Juniper Berries, Kelp, Pau of Arco and Milk Thistle Extract.

Amino Acid Complex
l-Alanine, l-lsoleuche,l-Serine, l-Arginine, l-Leucine, l-Threonine, l-Aspartic Acid, l-Lysine, l-Trypophan, l-Cynsteine, l-Methonine, l-Tyrosine, l-Gutamic Acid, l-Phenylalanine, l-Valine, l-Glycine, l-Histidine, I-Proine.
Fruit and Vegetable Phytonutrient Enzyme Blend
Plant enzyme concentrate (bromelain, papain, amylase, cellulase, lactase, lipase, pro-tease) pineapple, broccoli, apple, orange, cauliflower, celery, grapefruit, kale, raseberry, spinach, strawberry, lemon, papaya, peach and pear.

Whole Food Green Blend
Barley greens, buckwheat, wheat grass, chorella, spirulina algae, barley malt, mung bean, soy bean, bee pollen, acerda 4:1 extract, licorice root extract,astragulus root and bilberry 50:1 extract.

Other Ingredients
Purified water, fructose, natural flavors, critic acid and potassium sorbate,