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Thursday, May 21, 2015




It is a liquid vitamin which has a 98% Cell Absorption Rate.  It contains 72 Minerals, 12 Herbs, 19 Amno Acids, 13 Whole Food Greens, 22 Fruits and Vegetables Phytonutrients, Many powerful fibers.  All the vitamins you need day supplied in 1 Tablespoon.  Nutraburst is the equivalent of eating 10 Salads.  This whole food, liquid formula packs a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals that your body needs that you are not getting unless you by hundred’s dollars worth in a store.  Improves your skin, promotes healthier nails and hair. You may not know daily what your body needs but  The Nutraburst does.  It lets your body choose what it needs vitamins, minerals, enzymes, greens and everything it dosen’t use is flushed away.  You will see great improvement.  Better than any other vitamin out there.

NUTRABURST Provides the Nutrition You Need The advantage of a liquid vitamin. Nutrients are most useful when they're completely absorbed into your bloodstream. Studies reveal that only 10-20% of the nutrients in pills or tablets are absorbed into the body compared to 98% of liquid formulas like NutraburstTM. This means that your body will absorb up to 98% more nutrients when taking NutraburstTM. Thanks to Nano-technology, one tablespoon daily will provide: • 72 Minerals • 12 Herbs • 19 Amino Acids • 22 Phytonutrients from Fruits and Vegetables • 13 Whole Food Greens • Antioxidants • Elagic Acid • Multi-fiber complex The Nutraburst Advantage This whole food, liquid formula packs a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals in a single tablespoon. Today more than ever, we need whole food nutrients to keep up with the lifestyles we lead. We often have little time, money, or ability to prepare nutrient rich meals. Just one tablespoon of Nutraburst each day makes it easy to meet your nutritional needs. We obtain better nutrition when the vitamin is from a natural source. This way, we avoid Hypervitaminosis. For something different, try mixing with your morning juice or smoothie and get everything your body craves.  Nutraburst can be taken by pregnant and nursing women.

Vitamin D (Cholecalcifecal 400 iu
Vitamin E (D-alpha tocapheral) 30 iu 1
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 1.5mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 1.7mg
Niacin (as Nianimide) 2 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) 5mg
Folate (Folic Acid) 400mg
Vitamin B 12 (Cyanoccobalamin) 18mcg
Biotin 300 mg
Panthothenic Acid (d Calcium PantothenateVitamin B5) 10mg
Selinium (l-seleomethioine) 70mg

Propreitary Fiber Blend
(Apple, Pectin, Beet, Carrot, Oat and Soy Fibers 4000mg
Elagic Acid (From Pomegrate Extract and Red Raseberry Extract 10 mg
Proprietary Blend 2000mg

Plant Derived Mineral Compounds*
A highly bioactive blend of up to 72 naturally occurring major and trace minerals adelements including Calcium, Magnesium, Chromium, Boron, Cobalt, Potassium, Manganese Molybedrum, Chloride Vanadium, Lithuim, Silver, Zinc, Copper, Phosphorus, Sulfer, Silicon, Nicke, Iron, Iodine and Tin Includes Fulvic Acid.

Proprietary Herbal Complex
Aloe Vera, Panax, Ginseng, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Corn Silk, Cranberry, Goldenrod, Grapeseed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Juniper Berries, Kelp, Pau of Arco and Milk Thistle Extract.

Amino Acid Complex
l-Alanine, l-lsoleuche,l-Serine, l-Arginine, l-Leucine, l-Threonine, l-Aspartic Acid, l-Lysine, l-Trypophan, l-Cynsteine, l-Methonine, l-Tyrosine, l-Gutamic Acid, l-Phenylalanine, l-Valine, l-Glycine, l-Histidine, I-Proine.
Fruit and Vegetable Phytonutrient Enzyme Blend
Plant enzyme concentrate (bromelain, papain, amylase, cellulase, lactase, lipase, pro-tease) pineapple, broccoli, apple, orange, cauliflower, celery, grapefruit, kale, raseberry, spinach, strawberry, lemon, papaya, peach and pear.

Whole Food Green Blend
Barley greens, buckwheat, wheat grass, chorella, spirulina algae, barley malt, mung bean, soy bean, bee pollen, acerda 4:1 extract, licorice root extract,astragulus root and bilberry 50:1 extract.

Other Ingredients
Purified water, fructose, natural flavors, critic acid and potassium sorbate,

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